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What Does “Glazing” Mean in Slang?

In slang, “glazing” refers to the act of excessively praising or hyping someone to the point where it seems insincere or over-the-top. It can also imply that someone is blindly admiring or defending another person, often ignoring flaws or shortcomings. “Glazing” is typically used in a negative context to call out this kind of behavior, suggesting that the person doing the praising is being overly indulgent or sycophantic.

Key Characteristics of Glazing:

  • Excessive or insincere praise
  • Blind admiration or defense of someone
  • Often perceived as sucking up or fanboying/girling too much

Sentence Examples:

  • “Bro, you’re glazing him so hard right now—he’s good, but not that good.”
  • “All that glazing you’re doing isn’t going to get you any closer to her.”
  • “Stop glazing the coach; we all know he messed up that play.”

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