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What Does “FOMO” Mean in Slang?

“FOMO” stands for Fear of Missing Out. It’s a slang term used to describe the anxiety or unease that arises when you feel like you’re missing out on something fun, exciting, or worthwhile that others are experiencing. FOMO is often triggered by social media, where people frequently post about events, trips, or activities, making others feel like they’re not part of the action.

Key Characteristics of FOMO:

  • Feeling left out when others are participating in an event or activity
  • Constant checking of social media to stay updated
  • Anxiety or regret about decisions not to participate
  • A desire to be involved in every opportunity

Sentence Examples:

  • “I had major FOMO when I saw everyone’s pictures from the concert last night.”
  • “Seeing all my friends post about their beach vacation gave me such bad FOMO.”
  • “I wasn’t even planning to go, but my FOMO kicked in, so I bought a last-minute ticket.”

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